
The ExCo team has been working hard to rethink what a virtual camp could look like, and how we can use technology to our advantage. Friday night will mostly be about getting to know each other more, so that we can go ahead and dive deeper on Saturday and Sunday. To minimize Zoom fatigue, we’ve embedded longer breaks around mealtimes.

For the best experience for you and your fellow campers (and for our planning purposes), we ask that all campers participate fully in the scheduled program unless otherwise arranged with ExCo.

All times listed are in Pacific Time (PT).

Got a question about the schedule? Contact


7:30pm WELCOME & Introductions

Check out the camper directory to get to know everyone quickly!

8:00pm Meet your small group

Get to know your small group in your own video call set up by your Small Group Leader; check your email for the link.

8:30pm Icebreakers

We’ll do a quick large group icebreaker, and then split up into smaller Zoom breakout rooms for an interactive bingo game (choose any card: card #1, card #2, card #3) so you have a chance to get to know more campers!

9:30pm End

We’ll end the night at 9:30pm, so you have plenty of time to rest up for the next day of camp.


10:00am Welcome

10:30am Talk #1: “peace with God”

11:15am Small group discussion #1

12:00pm Regroup

12:15pm Break

Eat lunch! After lunch, you can do an exercise session (workout with Mark or Jerry at 1pm), spiritual direction, take a nap, or schedule a coffee chat with another camper.

2:00pm Large group activity

Team Apples to Apples: In teams, agree on the best answer for the prompts. Then, we’ll bring everyone together to vote on the best team answers!

2:45pm Talk #2: “Peace within ONE’S SELF”

3:30pm Small group discussion #2

4:15pm Regroup

4:30pm Break

Do an exercise session (Stretches with Jackie or Workout with Jerry at 5pm), spiritual direction, take a nap, or schedule some coffee chats to get to know other campers. Take a break from screens, and eat dinner!

7:30pm Adoration

As Catholics, we believe the Eucharist is Jesus truly present! A consecrated host is placed in a monstrance and presented to us for adoration and worship. During Eucharistic Adoration, we “watch and wait”, opening ourselves to His Graces which flow from the Eucharist.

Adoration will be livestreamed over Zoom. We’ll have praise & worship songs playing (recorded by campers!), but you can mute your own audio if you prefer to pray in silence. Light your candle, and follow along to the music lyrics here.

8:30pm Game night (optional)

It’s a camp tradition to play games at night with ramen! We’ll have several “game room” video calls open with games led by your fellow campers. You can play for as long or short as you want. Hungry for a late night snack? Now’s a good time to eat the instant ramen from your welcome package!


Reminder: wear your camp t-shirt for the group photo before the 4:15pm break!

10:30am Mass Livestream

Fr. Cameron will give a brief intro to Mass before it begins. Mass will be livestreamed via Zoom, and available via Facebook Live on our CACCLC Facebook page.


No running involved this year :) You’ll be sorted into teams of 4 and embark on the “Pilgrimage of Peace” to solve puzzles together, escape-room style.

12:15pm Break

Eat lunch! After lunch, you can do an exercise session (Dance party with Erika or Workout with Jerry), spiritual direction, or schedule a 1:1 chat with another camper. Or, start writing affirmations for your small group and other campers.

2:00pm Talk #3: “peace with others”

2:45pm Small group discussion #3

3:30pm Regroup

3:45pm Q&A panel

Got a question about Catholicism? Submit a question here. Fr. Cameron and his brother Fr. Kyle will take the stage to give their best answers to selected questions!

4:15pm Break

Do spiritual direction, schedule a 1:1 chat with another camper, or write affirmations for your small group and other campers.

5:00pm Workshop

There are 3 workshop options that you can choose from:

  • “Finding Inner Peace During Uncertain Times: Cultivating resilience and emotional intelligence” with Luis Orozco

  • Blessed are the Peacemakers: Approaching social justice issues with a Catholic perspective” with Sister Jeanette Kong

  • “Race and Catholicism in America, A Coat of Many Colors: Searching for Peace and Understanding in the Church” with Nate Tinner-Williams

Read the workshop descriptions and speaker bios to see which one speaks to you.

5:45pm Testimonies

At the end of every living camp, we like to give campers the opportunity to share about their experience at CACCLC. How did God move in your heart? Was there a particularly impactful conversation or lesson learned? Sign up to share your testimony.

6:30pm Closing