You can make a difference. The Living Camp hosts an annual camp organized by young adults who volunteer their time to create a life-changing experience for other young adults. Here are some ways you can support us.



We are excited to announce that CACCLC has incorporated a 501c3 nonprofit “The Living Camp”. Your donations are tax-deductible and help us to cover expenses for camp (like the retreat center, spiritual director, and camp materials), provide scholarships for prospective campers who need financial aid, and other community-building events.

Donate by Credit card OR PAYPAL

To make a tax-deductible donation via credit card or Paypal account, click the button below:

Donate by check

Checks can be made to “The Living Camp” with “CACCLC” on the memo line.

Mail checks to:
The Living Camp
PO Box #7192
Alhambra, CA 91802

If you're donating via check, please email our Finance team at so that we can provide you with additional details and ensure that your donation is processed smoothly.

Thank you for your generosity!


SPread the word

Tell your friends about CACCLC and share our Facebook Group and Instagram! The most effective way to invite people to camp is through word of mouth.


Please pray for the following intentions:

  • For God to stir the hearts of the Chinese Catholic Young Adult community

  • For the Executive Committee organizing this retreat

  • For vocational discernment