CACCLC is run by a team of young adult volunteers across California—meet this year's Executive Committee aka "ExCo"!


Philip Yang
Co-Overall Coordinator

Leanne D.
Co-Overall Coordinator



The Programs team is in charge of developing the activities for camp. They make sure the activities align with the camp theme, and work with the Liturgy team and Operations Lead to make everything run smoothly.

Francisco Flores

Martin Cheung



The Liturgy team handles the logistics for Mass, Confession, Spiritual Direction, Adoration, Taize, and Praise & Worship. They serve as liaisons between the ExCo and all religious (priests, sisters, etc).

Rem Tolentino

Mia Gancayco



Operations works with Programs, Liturgy, and the Overalls to plan and execute the camp schedule for the best camp experience for all.


Joseph Yang



The Promotions team coordinates outreach through parish announcements, social media, parties, and more!

Isaac Liu

Liz Gove


Philip Chen



The Designer is in charge of developing camp promotional materials and branding.


David Le



The Fundraising Lead coordinates events to generate donations to subsidize costs of camp.

Albert Lee

Adam Liu


SGL Lead

The Small Group Leaders Lead recruits small group leaders and organizes small groups.


Martin Wong


Camp Advisor

The Camp Advisor provides mentorship and guidance to the overalls of camp.


Albert Lee