We are so excited to announce our 2019 theme is LIVING HOPE — 主賜希望於人間、 讓我們活出望德!
Design by Genesia Ting
We often talk about Faith and Love, but we seldom mention the third theological virtue: Hope. In the midst of each of our individual struggles, we seek out Hope for reassurance through life’s challenges. The phrase “Living Hope” has a 2-part meaning; Christ calls us to nurture our lives with Hope, becoming beacons of light so that Hope can spread and be alive within our communities.
What exactly, then, is this Christian Hope? How do we own it enough to be able to gift it to those around us?
We'll answer these questions together this coming Labor Day Weekend (8/30-9/02). Registration starts on JUNE 16TH, so mark your calendars — we hope to see you at camp!
God bless,
Lucia & Albert
Your CACCLC 2019 Co-Overalls