Humans of CACCLC: Jacqueline

“I had been passively looking for a young adult group for some time without much success, when one day, my dad randomly brought home a CACCLC flier from his Chinese church. Although it piqued my interest, I was a little hesitant to go alone. I tried to coerce my brother into coming along but he stubbornly refused (typical). After much doubt and deliberation, I convinced myself to just go. When I arrived, I was shocked to find so many Chinese Catholics under the age of 50 gathered in one place that weren’t related to me! I felt like I had stumbled into a nest of rare and mythical beings! Everyone was so friendly and welcoming that I didn’t feel out of place at all. I had such a lovely experience participating in Taize for the first time, brainstorming hilariously ridiculous skits, singing off key during praise & worship, and making new friends who could relate to me both culturally and spiritually. And the best part was, I discovered that a young adult bible study group had just been started in my area with some of these amazing people! Hallelujah!! So “if today you hear His voice, harden not your hearts.” Don’t delay! Come today! CACCLC will allow you to nourish your FAITH, foster new FRIENDSHIPS, and have a whole lot of FUN!

P.S. My brother finally attended camp several years later and loved it (can I say “I told you so!”) We are both repeat customers now!"

— Jacqueline K, Alhambra
