Humans of CACCLC: Cecilia


"When I was first invited to attend CACCLC in 2014, I thought, oh, this is probably just another one of those Catholic retreats that are boring, why would I want to go? Being quiet and shy around new people, I was reluctant to go because I always end up standing in the corner, alone and scared, but eventually, I gave in. One of the first things I learned was that a camp is very different from a retreat. There was a good mix of energy and serenity throughout the weekend, and I was greeted by friendly welcomes from Chinese Catholic campers at various stages in their faith. I was very touched by the amount of kindness these campers had towards new people and felt as if it was a reunion more than a “I just met these people a few days ago.” You never know who you’ll meet at camp and the experience you’ll get out of it, and I was very glad I decided to go. There has been no other place where I can be in this same environment, surrounded by other Chinese Catholics, and this is an something I will cherish and share with these friends for many years to come."

- Cecilia V, Alhambra