Humans of CACCLC: Matthew


"Before I went to CACCLC last year I found myself in a state of just going through the motions with my faith. I reached one of those points where my faith was stale, uninspired, and stagnant. I think CACCLC really helped to reawaken my passion for Christ, particularly through the faith-sharing, testimonies, and presence of other Catholics and priests who are also struggling on their journeys to holiness. It helped serve as a reminder for me that I am not alone in my faith journey and that the reward is so worth the struggle."

— Matthew W, San Diego

Introducing Fr. James L. Heft

Hello CACCLC 2018 campers! It is truly my joy to introduce Fr. James Heft as this year’s spiritual director.

Fr. Jim has an impressive background as a historian, a professor, a Marianist priest, and the president of Institute for Advanced Catholic Studies at USC (IACS). But the Fr. Jim I want to share with you is a dear friend and loving mentor who gives the best bear hugs and has a great singing voice.

Humans of CACCLC: Justin


"When I first arrived at CACCLC, I was skeptical about how the camp would go. I lost my faith during the time I spent in college, and I only attended to accompany one of my friends. I questioned if I would have a good time, wondering if it was really worth spending a whole weekend here. But soon after, all doubts were cleared when I met all the amazing people at CACCLC. Some were college students like me who had fallen away from the faith in college, as they shared their wonderful stories about how they were able to get it back. At first, even after hearing all their anecdotes, I still didn’t really comprehend. For once, I didn’t have the resource to calculate an answer or formulate a hypothesis, like I did in all my science classes. It was during Adoration, when I closed my eyes to listen to the music. It took me a while, but I finally understood why I had fallen in the first place. I was always too focused on school work and too worried about not getting into medical school. All I needed to do was to pray and let God do the rest.

Looking back now, CACCLC was an eye opening occasion for me, and I still believe that God is steering me in the right direction. Even if you’re not sure about going, give it a try. I guarantee that the weekend will be one of the best you’ve ever had."

- Justin C, Los Gatos

Humans of CACCLC: Jessica


"One of my favorite memories from CACCLC is bonding with the campers especially during morning exercise and late night activities. I like that CACCLC is a place that I can come back to every year to be myself with other campers. I've said this before and I'll say it again, although I don't see everyone from camp on a consistent base, people remember you and when you reconnect with campers the following year, you pick up where you left off. Going to CACCLC allowed me to grow in my faith and meet life long brothers and sisters to help me through my spiritual journey."

— Jessica L, San Francisco