Thanks for joining us at CACCLC 2022! This year, we had 81 campers and 5 religious (priests, brothers, and sisters); 27% of our campers were attending CACCLC for the first time. We are so grateful to be able to return to the Santa Teresita Youth Conference Center for our first fully in-person camp since 2019 this year!

For those who missed it or those who want to relive the memories, here’s a recap:
Campers were welcomed at the check-in table with some cool swag: a t-shirt, camp booklet, travel pouch, stickers of this year’s theme logo and boba kit fundraiser tiger design, ear plugs, and bug repellent! We had dinner, played some icebreaker games, and went to Mass at the chapel. After Mass, some headed to bed while others stayed up to eat snacks and hang out!

Saturday began with Br. Xavier Marie leading an optional morning prayer. Morning exercise was held inside the dining hall to keep our feet dry from the wet grass. We met our small groups and came up with team chants, followed by breakfast and introductions where this year’s ExCo sang the theme song together! After introductions, we had Talk #1 with Fr. Phil on our 2022 theme “Cross Culture”, small group discussions, a “walk-through Mass” and then lunch!
Morning Prayer
Morning stretches led by Programs!
ExCo Introductions
Talk #1 with Fr. Phil

After lunch and Talk #2, we had our fun large group activity! Our Programs team made sure to keep everyone cool by holding all the activities indoors. At the end, the teams came together to combine the puzzle pieces they earned from completing each game!

Free time came right after the large group activity. Campers played board games, swam in the pool, took naps, and although it was hot, it didn’t stop some from playing basketball before dinner!
After dinner, we had a workshop on systemic racism with Br. Mauricio! The night ended with Praise & Worship and Adoration (listen to our set list here).

Praise & Worship and Adoration
Sunday began with optional morning prayer with Br. Mauricio and morning exercises, followed by Talk #3 and small group discussions! Unfortunately, the air conditioning in the chapel stopped working, so to keep us from sweating in the hot chapel, our Liturgy team quickly moved all the equipment and Liturgy materials over to Santa Clara Hall for Sunday Mass while campers rolled in some more chairs from Guadalupe Hall. Fr. Vien Nguyen, S.D.B. celebrated Mass for us, and the Prayers of the Faithful were read in 10 different languages by our campers!

After Mass, we quickly took our group photo and headed to lunch! The annual conference call with WCCCLC and ECCCLC came after lunch, and instead of a video call, the three camps shared slides. It was interesting seeing the different teams, photos, and stats from each camp!

We had our last talk with Fr. Phil after the conference call, followed by a workshop with Br. Xavier Marie on humility and magnanimity. After another nice block of free time in the afternoon, a delicious dinner, and Ask Me Anything with Fr. Phil, we had Taize & Adoration (listen to our set list here) and ended with optional night prayer at St. Anthony’s.

AMA with Fr. Phil

Night Prayer
The dining hall was packed with campers staying up to write affirmation notes to each other and play board games - an annual camp tradition! A lot of ramen and snacks were eaten on this night as campers chatted and hung out.

Our last day began with a later breakfast and camp evaluations. We had Mass at St. Anthony’s and a quick wrap-up by Fr. Phil. Several people shared their testimony about their experiences at camp this year, and our ExCo Overall Cecilia shared some closing thoughts and awarded Isaac with a special ExCo appreciation award for going above and beyond as this year’s designer! After lunch, we all took group photos before heading home (listen to our camper playlist here).

Our 2022 ExCo team would like to thank all of YOU campers for coming to camp this year. We hope that you had a fruitful experience and hope to see you next year - save the date for Labor Day 2023 (Sept 1-4)!!
Check out more photos of CACCLC 2022 here and here.
Stay connected with us throughout the year via our Facebook group and Instagram, and make sure to subscribe to the mailing list for our non-profit, The Living Camp!