Excited for camp? By now, you should have received a Welcome Packet and your carpool arrangements (if requested) in your email, and heard from your small group leader. If you haven’t yet, or if you have any questions, email cacclc2019@cacclc.org.
Here’s the music for this weekend — you can familiarize yourself with the songs before camp, or listen to these playlists on the way to camp!
Praise & Worship
As widely attributed to St. Augustine, “he who sings prays twice”! Praise & worship music is often based on Scripture and is meant to be a form of prayer—so pay attention to the lyrics and sing with your heart. Listen to the setlist on Spotify, and check out "The Do's and Don't's of Praise and Worship" for some tips on how to approach P&W (fun gifs included)!
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. (Colossians 3:16)
We'll also be singing Taizé music on Sunday night...but what is Taizé?
The Taizé (pronounced like tay-zay) community is an ecumenical monastic order in Taizé, France, made up of 100+ brothers from Catholic and Protestant traditions. The songs are short phrases (usually lines from/inspired by Scripture) that we repeat over and over for contemplation/meditation.
Some songs are in Latin, so check out this helpful Latin pronunciation guide. It’s very similar to English, but here are some tips to note:
ae = eh (for example, prae => preh)
ti (when followed by a vowel) = tsee (for example, benedictio => ben-eh-dic-tsee-oh)
ui = ooh-ee
qu = (say it like it's English like "quote", not like Spanish like "quesadilla")
Taizé tends to be a favorite part of CACCLC for many — we hope you enjoy it!